holy hormones batman

So one day past my due date and this little one needs to come out soon. I am pretty much a complete mess right now. I have cried pretty much non stop for the last two days. I am so stressed out right now I can’t even stand myself. Poor Scoopy. I don’t know how she is putting up with me.

I want so bad to be getting stuff done around the house and I just can’t seem to get it done. I don’t feel like I am ready to bring a baby home. I don’t know if I am ready to be a mom.

The pets have all been acting wierd the last few days. I know they know something is up and I feel guilty about that. I don’t want their lives completely disrupted either. They have had some pretty hard times before they came to live with us, and I don’t want to hurt them.

I know a loit of my htoughts are irrational right now so I will stop rambling. The next post should be a happy baby is here one god willing.

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One response to “holy hormones batman

  1. wishinghopingpraying

    I am sure the wait is excruciating. Hang in there. Your precious daughter is on her way. Hugs and love to you.

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